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How Mobile Devices Fit Into Your IT Strategy

The age of mobile is in full effect. If you thought 2016 saw people glued to their devices, just wait till you see what 2017 has in store. This isn’t just about people playing Candy Crush or posting pictures of their babies on Facebook — it’s about new tech having a major impact on your business. Coming up with a plan for incorporating mobile devices into your IT strategy is just as important as the adoption itself.

Securing Your Wireless Connection

Before you thrust your IT strategy fully toward mobile, you first need to consider the implications it will have on your wireless connection. More users latching onto your wifi means more risks for security breaches. Encrypting your network is crucial, and an outsourced IT team can help you ensure that you won’t be susceptible to any attacks or unwanted users.

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

Before you invest in a mobile strategy, it makes sense that you’d like to have a “trial run” of sorts first. That’s why many businesses opt for a BYOD policy. This is a great way to find out how your employees will actually use mobile devices in the workplace by having them use their own instead of investing in brand new gear. That said – you’ll want to set some parameters and procedures before you have everyone walking around with their home tablet.

With personal devices come the dangers of personal data. Make it clear that you don’t want to know about your employee’s private life and also don’t want them using their devices for personal use when on the company network.

Protecting Your Data

Why limit your employees to not using their devices for personal web browsing and apps while in the office? It’s about protecting one of your most valuable assets: your data. But it goes beyond your employees. Moving toward a mobile friendly office means opening yourself up to new security threats.

Start by explicitly keeping track of what devices have access to your network. Only those who’ve been vetted should be allowed access to your business critical files. For those using personal equipment, verify that they have their devices security functions enabled. These can be as basic as having an unlock passcode setup or as thorough as encrypting the data on the device. It’s a conversation that requires a level of comfortability and respect between both parties.

Mobile adoption is becoming increasingly popular and essential, so you don’t want to get left behind. But you also want to make sure you do it properly. ISOutsource can help. Our essential support team can help get you up to speed – fast. Give us a call today.