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Penetration Testing

How secure is your business?

See how penetration testing could help your business.

Purpose of penetration testing

Unlike a vulnerability assessment, penetration testing actually tests the security of systems in the face of a cyberattack. The idea is to try to exploit any vulnerabilities. It’s also a way to uncover weaknesses and determine how well current security measures work.

Penetration tests work through every layer of your IT infrastructure from applications to user behavior to discover potential issues. They’re often used in conjunction with vulnerability assessments to test the strength of new security measures.

Performing penetration testing

It’s impossible to completely eliminate downtime and outages. However, a consistently updated disaster recovery plan drastically reduces downtime. A few things to include in this plan are

  • Data backups and recovery (along with backup validity)
  • Restoring Servers
  • Recovering Critical Systems First
  • Scanning and removing unauthorized users in the event of a breach
  • App deployment along with updates
  • Restoring secondary services and apps
  • Setting up secure off-site backups, images, etc.
  • Fixing any exploited vulnerabilities (can’t come back online until the problem is fixed)

How often should you test?

Businesses should consider doing penetration testing on a set schedule to test for new vulnerabilities and after any of these scenarios:

  • New Infrastructure Elements
  • Any New Business Locations
  • Upgrades, Updates, and Security Patcthes
  • Any User Policy Modifications

We provide full IT services and consulting. For more information on how we can help with security and productivity, contact us today.

Benefits from penetration testing

Penetration testing should be a part of every IT budget. The benefits far outweigh the cost and save businesses money. The most common benefits include:

  • Reduced Downtime
  • Proactive Control over Vulnerabilities
  • Reputation Management by Preventing Breaches
  • Maintain Regulatory Compliance
  • Save Money from Service Interruptions and user reparations  (in the event of a data breach)