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Biotech IT Services

Is Your Business in the Biotech Industry?

See how we can help.

Maintain compliance and security

Compliance and security in biotech and the solutions we offer are all HIPAA compliant. Plus, we also offer security services, such as vulnerability scans and penetration testing to drastically reduce the risk of a breach.

We can also provide managed IT services–patching systems and ensuring that all software is up to date, which further reduces security risks.

Common regulations and frameworks needed in the biotech industry are:

  • HIPAA – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
  • HIITRUST – Health Information Trust Alliance

Overcome your industries challenges

The biotech industry faces unique challenges as they work with sensitive data and personal health information. As such, businesses in this industry must ensure all technology used is HIPAA compliant. Any breach or system failure could violate compliance and put patients’ identities at risk.

Some of the most common challenges biotech faces are:

  • Transitioning Leadership
  • Budget Constraints
  • Limited or No Onsite IT Staff
  • Restructuring
  • Competition