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Business Technology Assessment & Planning

Does Your Technology Fit Your Business?

See how technology assessment and planning could help your business.

Aligning technology with business goals

There isn’t a one-size fits all IT solution for businesses. When you simply opt for what you know or what’s popular, you may end up with tools you don’t need or can’t use. Plus, you typically pay for far more than what you need. This is why business technology assessment and planning is crucial for aligning technology with your business goals.

It’s not just about picking solutions that work today. It’s about planning for the future of your business. By assessing your needs and planning for growth, businesses get technology that scales with them. This allows businesses to be more efficient and save money overall.

collaborating on laptop

Discover business needs

The first step is to speak with business owners, shareholders and employees to better understand the needs of the business. We also run diagnostics and document the current infrastructure.

The next step is to compare the infrastructure and technology policies to current industry standards. We also scan and test systems for security vulnerabilities and productivity problems.

After thoroughly analyzing the system, we also review technology plans and see how they align with business objectives. Our final analysis is the IT budget to see where changes may need to be made.

Planning with Your needs in mind

After all analysis is complete, we work with you to formulate a new technology strategy along with custom recommendations. This includes creating detailed documentation and a report for executives to review. After presenting the initial plan, we discuss all recommendations, implementation timelines and more and revise the plan until it’s perfect for your business.

The planning phase includes every area of IT, from security best practices to improving the network architecture. The final documentation includes all plans, project timelines, analysis and summaries. By continuing to keep this documentation updated, businesses have a clear strategy both now and in the future.

Contact ISOutsource to discuss more about how we assess your business and help develop a new technology plan.