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4 Ways Big Business Can Benefit From Wireless Infrastructure

Most businesses look up to big businesses to see how the latest tech trends affect growth. However, some of the biggest businesses still haven’t fully embraced wireless.

We’ve seen the problem first hand. Until these businesses see how they can benefit from wireless infrastructure, they stay glued to a hybrid or even fully wired infrastructure. Yet, this isn’t an effective way to stay competitive.

1. Scalability And Growth

Gartner predicts there will be 20.4 billion IoT devices in use by 2020. During the fourth quarter of 2018, there were 7.9 billion mobile subscriptions. This means wireless isn’t just the wave of the future, but the current business landscape. As more IoT devices are added to aid with AI, machine learning and big data, it’ll be difficult for businesses without a wireless infrastructure to grow.

With a wireless infrastructure or even wireless as a service, it’s much easier to scale as more mobile and wireless devices are added to networks.

2. Supporting A Mobile Workforce

Wired connections aren’t ideal for a mobile workforce. As of 2018, 70% of employees worldwide work remotely at least once per week, while 53% work remotely for half a week. Wired infrastructure doesn’t support this trend. Remote and mobile employees must be able to access business files, apps and data from anywhere. One of the benefits from wireless infrastructure is the capability to support workers from anywhere.

3. Utilize Cloud Services

Cloud services aren’t a new trend, but they’re much more difficult to take advantage of when employees are tied to desks. Without wireless infrastructure, employees are still forced to print out details or hold meetings around a single device in order to access cloud services and apps.

Big business has much to benefit from cloud services. From cost savings to scalability, the possibilities are seemingly limitless. However, a wireless infrastructure offers more access to these services from anywhere in the business and on any device.

4. More Cost Effective

Hardware costs money. Updating that hardware costs even more. Add this to the cost of expanding a wired infrastructure and the costs soar even higher. The one benefit from wireless infrastructure that big business can’t afford to deny is the cost savings. It’s easier to troubleshoot which saves time, doesn’t require additional hardware to expand and is simpler to upgrade.

All of this saves money, which in turn, allows more of the IT budget to go to other technological advances to retain a competitive edge.

Interested in learning more about implementing a wireless infrastructure and the many benefits? Contact ISOutsource today to find out how we can help.