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The IT Vulnerability Management Tool Your Business Needs

Is your business protected from security vulnerabilities?


Business technology can get complicated quickly. It’s become increasingly more difficult to not only keep your technology organized, but also make sure it is working properly. Similar to owning a car, regular maintenance, notifications of recalls, and repairs are not only recommended but required if you want to keep things running smoothly.

While cars come with manuals and mechanics can check the system when the dreaded ‘Check Engine’ light turns on, detecting issues and security vulnerabilities with your technology are not as clear-cut. So, what do you do?


Find A Vulnerability Management Tool

What’s a vulnerability management tool? In layman’s terms – it’s a tool that scans your business’ network for weaknesses that could be exploited by scammers, hackers, and the like. Some of these tools deploy automatic remediation techniques when vulnerabilities are found, and some require your technology support provider to patch or repair issues and weak spots.

The downside? Many of the vulnerability management tools on the market require costly subscription, setup, and remediation fees that SMBs cannot afford, leaving them wide open for security attacks.


Introducing iVSAT™

iVSAT™ is ISOutsource’s homegrown vulnerability management platform that takes the guesswork out of maintaining your technology environment. It covers traditional, cloud, mobile, and DevOps environments so you can truly gain control of your assets and keep vulnerabilities in check.


What’s Included with iVSAT™?

The short answer is: more than you’ll find with Qualys or RapidFire Tools, two of the larger and more costly vulnerability tools. Not only does iVSAT™ give you the same protection, it’s also 90% less expensive.

Here’s a comparison:

iVSAT compared to Qualys


Would your business benefit from iVSAT™?

Over half of cyber-attacks are directed at small to medium-sized businesses and 67% of those have experienced a cyber-attack in the last year. It’s not a matter of if your SMB will be targeted, but when. The big question is – is your business prepared? A vulnerability management platform like iVSAT™, makes sure that you are. Want to learn more about iVSAT™?  Let us know! We’re looking forward to it.