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Evolution of IT in 2023: What Today’s Leaders Should Know

As a new year begins, so does a new year of IT challenges and trends. To keep your business growing, it’s important to consider the evolution of IT in 2023. Every leader must stay on top of these trends to stay competitive, run smoothly, and fight back against cybersecurity threats. This year truly showcases how IT has evolved and the future is bright.

Increasing IoT Devices

By 2025, it’s estimated there will be over 75 billion installed IoT devices. This number was already over 26 billion in 2019. Currently, the manufacturing industry has invested the most in IoT devices, but they’re useful for most every industry. From aiding in inventory management to predictive maintenance, IoT is poised to help businesses save both time and money.

Of course, this also means more connected devices on your network. Leaders need to start looking into how IoT devices can streamline processes while also reducing costs. After the initial setup, all you need is an IT team to monitor things and address any technical issues as they arise.

Running a Business in the Cloud

While not a new trend, the evolution of IT in 2023 is trending more and more toward cloud-based everything. Thanks to a global pandemic, remote and hybrid work forces sped up the transition to the cloud for many businesses. Currently economic instability is part of the reason some businesses are deciding to double-down on cloud services in 2023.

Businesses of all sizes are looking to the cloud to provide better access to services for clients, reduce on-site hardware and software costs, and make it far more efficient and cost-effective to scale a business as needed. While leaders don’t need to move their entire business to the cloud, it’s time to seriously consider at least a hybrid model, especially in terms of software and storage.

The Emergence of the Metaverse

Technically, the metaverse has been around for years, but Mark Zuckerberg’s shift from Facebook to Meta made more people stand up and take notice of the virtual world around them. This isn’t a trend that will suddenly take over in 2023, but it’s one leaders should start paying attention to now.

According to Gartner, it’s expected that at least a quarter of people will be spending around an hour of their day in a metaverse environment for work by 2026. While it might still seem more like science fiction, the metaverse is the natural evolution of IT in 2023. Instead of Zoom calls, avatars meet in virtual rooms to create the illusion of being in the same place. It’s a new level of interactivity that breaks down barriers created by distance. There’s still a long way to go, but it’s a good time to start considering how this technology could benefit your business. From team meetings and making remote employees or freelancers feel more connected to offering interactive experiences for customers, there’s a lot of potential here.

Consider Sustainable IT

Years ago, most people didn’t care whether your company was an energy vampire or not. But now, consumers and governments are pushing for more environmentally conscious companies. You need to consider where supplies and components are sourced, how to be more energy efficient, and think about how to recycle more of what you use.

A prime example is how many companies are opting for electric vehicles for deliveries. Some are using solar energy to reduce energy usage. Others are using more biodegradable packaging that’s easy for consumers to recycle. Simple changes make a major impact on the environment. IT isn’t always the most sustainable industry, but it can be. When it’s a priority for consumers, it’s even more vital to start making changes this year.

Evolving Cybersecurity Threats

While it shouldn’t come as a surprise, the evolution of IT in 2023 means the evolution of cybersecurity threats. Things aren’t as simple as a basic phishing email anymore. Sure, those are still in use and effective when sent to the right person, threats are becoming far more sophisticated. Hackers are using voicemail greetings and AI to spoof the voices of managers and business owners to trick employees into sending money, passwords, and confidential information.

In 2023, leaders need to review cybersecurity processes, train employees on what to look for, and even utilize vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to ensure networks are more secure than ever. Even the smallest businesses need to take these evolving threats seriously.

Growing Remote Workforce

For many employees, working remotely wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. But, for others, they were more productive than ever. Leaders should pay attention to this growing IT trend in 2023 and offer more flexible schedules that incorporate both in-office and remote work.

Take a look at which employees absolutely have to be there and which ones don’t. By having part of your employees work from home, you could reduce in-house energy costs and have happier, more productive employees. Set up ways to monitor productivity to ensure employees are getting their work done. From an IT perspective, this does mean more security vulnerabilities, but with the right setup, remote work can be just as secure as being in the office. As popular as working from home has become, offering a smooth transition between in-office and remote work could be exactly what makes your company more attractive to new talent and keep existing talent with you versus the competition.

As your company begins 2023, it’s time to think about the evolution of IT in 2023 and how it affects you. It’s also time to consider working with a partner that can help your business’s IT evolve as well. Contact ISOutsource today to learn how we can help.