
What Technology Should You Invest in for Business Growth?

As a business owner, every move and decision you make comes with the subtext of how it’s going to grow your business. Whether that’s a new hire, a new office space, or new policies. Chief among these, especially today, is new technology. If you even glance at TechCrunch or Gizmodo, you’ll know that there’s new emerging software and apps popping up every day. Who has the time to go through it all and assess what’s worth investing in for your business?

Instead of trying to grasp the entire world of emerging technology, lets look at just a few different advancements that you should absolutely be using now. Some may sound more daunting than others, but they can all provide you with immense value and that coveted, allusive ROI. Here are some great tools and solutions to start with.

A Robust CRM Platform

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools are essential to your sales team. That’s not an overstatement, either. In 2017, if you’re not using a CRM then you’re pushing a boulder up a hill during a snowstorm. Services like Salesforce and Oracle Netsuite give your sales reps immense insight into their own work with lead tracking, collecting data on prospects, and building funnels that will lead to closing deals. These platforms can be a bit overwhelming at first if you haven’t used one – massive dashboards with so many settings and functions that it’s hard to figure out where to start. However, it becomes much more intuitive as you go along. Plus, dealing with the learning curve is much better than staying behind the times and letting your competition swoop in on your prospective clients and customers.

Cloud Services

Your business is not tethered to tangible tools. In fact, it’s almost better the less physical tools and devices you have to deal with. As we’ve discussed before on this blog, cloud services like AWS and Microsoft Azure give you more fluidity in your business. Being able to work via the cloud allows your employees to work quickly and efficiently. There’s no more trying to track down files or even needing to keep everyone tethered to a physical server. The cloud is meant to scale, meaning you can continue to upgrade and build it out as you go without having to do a serious overhaul and pausing activity. It’s great for your clients too, using the public cloud to give them access to critical assets without any headaches.

Project Management Tools and Apps

Do you hate email? We all do. Cluttered inboxes are the death of productivity and the bane of business growth. How are you expected to take on more clients when you’re still struggling through piles of email threads? We’re not talking about spam either – it’s easy for vital emails to get lost in a barrage of communication. That’s why project management tools are becoming even more essential. Apps and services like Basecamp allow you to organize and prioritize your myriad projects. They allow you to zoom out far enough to see what all your colleagues are working on, but also zoom in on your personal to-dos. It streamlines communication and turns all those complicated threads into sleek, streamlined processes.

Sold on these ideas but not sure where to start? We can help. ISOutsource can come alongside your business and help install and implement these new technologies into your business and help you prime them to get the best ROI. Interested? Drop us a line today.